Thursday, July 16, 2009

2009 Confirmed Club Days.

To all our returning and potential new members:

Our stall will be up and running during Re-orientation Week (20th-23rd July), located in the Faculty of Science courtyard, adjacent to the Recreation Centre (opposite where we were during O-Week in Semester 1)

Our first club day for Semester 2 will be held on Friday, the 24th of July from 1:30pm to 3:30pm so we hope to see you all at the ASB Tennis Centre and as eager as ever! Please refer to the calendar for confirmed club days this semester.

Additionally, this year every paid member will receive a complimentary green silicone wristband as a token of membership, so when you pay, remember to ask us for one if we forget to give you one!

Looking forward to another brilliant semester of tennis.

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Location Of ASB Tennis Centre

Location Of ASB Tennis Centre